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September 29, 2010

Daniel's Response Wednesday

Another little something to brighten up your Wednesday:

My roommate Austin comes out of his room and rubs on our cable router sending out a 16 Mbps connection.

Austin: These things are so cool
Me: Thank you.
Austin: What?
Me: You said, "He's so cool," and I said "Thank you."
Austin: I said 'these,' I was talking about the router . . . and why would I refer to you in the third person
Me: Mothafucka, you can't address me directly and you know this!

Hope you enjoyed another moment from my life, until next time . . . . PEACE.

September 23, 2010

The Power Of Food, a Funny Event Segment

There's a slightly obese Electrical Engineering professor at my school, yea I can use slightly as and adjective to obese.  He was teaching a lab where all the students were unable to log into the computers to get started on the lab.  While this is going on, multiple engineering clubs, mostly of the electrical nature, were hosting an even outside where they were cooking burgers and promoting their clubs.  The professor left the lab room to go find the local technician to help fix the log-in problem.  Some students got tired of waiting and pretty hungry, so they went outside for a burger.  When they get outside, they see their professor putting mustard on his hamburger, they ask him what happened and he said, "I couldn't find the guy." LOL, till next time . . . PEACE

September 22, 2010

Daniel's Response Wednesday

I'm gonna try this out, every Wednesday, or any day around Wednesday, I wanna give a funny and real life situation and how I responded or how I should've responded.  This is one from over summer:

A friend and I were hanging out at Hermosa Beach Pier and it was pretty cold.  Seeing everyone in board shorts and t-shirts, I said that I wouldn't wear board shorts, as in just around town.  My friend asked me if I wear speedos then and laughed.  I replied to her, "Naw, but only when I feel like showing off."

Is this something worth doing?  Was that even funny?  Let me know in the comments section

September 20, 2010

At Least You're Thinking About Me?

Hung out with a friend today and he told me about how he was eating some rotisserie chicken and then thought about me LOL.  Once he thinks about me when he's eating everything, driving, and sleeping, I will have a monopoly on his thoughts :-p

September 18, 2010

Senior Year

So tomorrow, I'll be starting my fourth and final year in college.  Apparently, I've been a senior for 2 quarters already, unit wise I guess.  Time went by fast and many things have grown me over the past four years and I'm glad, cause I can't be a clown like the rest of them right? Haha.

But this year, I have a pretty cool senior project lined up so be on the look out for that.  My advisor already has some things lined up to help me out.  Be excited.  The summer internship helped me get into the working mindset, so I'm ready to do work, so . . . let's do work.  Driving up tomorrow, until then . . . . PEACE.

September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Went to the Hermosa Beach Art Festival today, or as they call it "Fiesta."  Had a bunch of cover bands and people selling various art forms, from painting to shelled necklaces.  Some paintings looks really good but I didn't buy anything.  It was rather gloomy down there, but luckily I got some good shots from Manhattan the day before.

oversatured but I overcame this later

Still a little bright, can I tone it down a little?

September 1, 2010


Is the title of this post appropiate for this pic?  Let me know

I took this using the 8 MP camera on my HTC Evo 4G, not bad huh?